I will happily, painfully, self-destructively read each and every little snippet posted here at Sadly No! even at the expense of my family and bvacation/b time. It seems the only honorably liberal fascist thing to do. Please keep going. b....../b December 20, 2007 at 3:58. Just FYI, they're teaching ?Post-Postmodernist studies? now at the local university. But they're so out of touch. Post-Postmodernism is SO 2004. bHerville/b"Bud" Melman said,. December 20, 2007 at 4:03 ...
Anne dochter van Pierre en Pasquette getrouwd met Bernard de Dodercourt (ontvanger belastingen te varennes) Een dochter Marguerite trouwt met Jean Leduc (ontvanger Taille) Twee kinderen Pierre en Simon° ...